Chess database With ChessX you can operate your collection of chess games in many ways: browse, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc. Current features: - Multi-platform. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. - Load and save PGN files. - Work with multiple databases simultaneously. - Browse games, including variations. - Enter moves, variations and comments. - Setup board, copy/paste FEN. - Search header (click on columns in game list header). - Display opening tree for the current position. - Analyze using UCI and Winboard/XBoard chess engines. - Observe and play games on FICS.
23 Ratings ( 3.4 )
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4687 Download
- Pardus 23499
- Pardus 212423
- Pardus 1980
- Etap 191571
- Others114
Ali Yener 02-05-2024 14:32
efe 27-03-2024 15:55
pardus 26-09-2022 16:07
Beğenmedim. Daha guzel olabilirdi.
Mustafa 26-02-2022 14:56
Bazı twitch yayıncıları bile bu ounu öneriyorlar. Kullnımı oldukça basit ve kullanışlı indirmenizi öneririm.