E-book converter and library management Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution. It includes librarymanagement, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion as well ase-book reader sync features. Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program. It manages your e-bookcollection for you. It is designed around the concept of the logical book,i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to e-books in severalformats. It also supports conversion from a dozen different e-book formats toLRF and EPUB. A graphical interface to the conversion software can beaccessed easily by just clicking the "Convert E-books" button. Supported input formats are: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF,TXT, PDF and LRS. Calibre has a modular device driver design that makes adding support fordifferent e-reader devices easy. At the moment, it has support for theSONY PRS 500/505/700 and the iPhone (with the stanza reader software).Syncing supports updating metadata on the device from metadata in the libraryand the creation of collections on the device based on the tags defined inthe library view. If an book has more than one format available, calibreautomatically chooses the best format when uploading to the device. Calibre can automatically fetch news from a number of websites/RSS feeds,format the news into a e-book and upload to a connected device. There issupport for generating LRF/EPUB e-books. The e-books include the *full*versions of the articles, not just the summaries. Calibre has also a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-bookformats.
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serhat 03-12-2023 15:49
Sadece kitap okumak ve arşivlemek için değil; eğer bir yazarsanız, kitabınızı dijitalleştirme ve satışa hazırlama sürecinde düzenlemenize yardımcı olacak, önizlemenizi sağlayacak mükemmel bir uygulama. Ne yazsam az gelir. İndirip incelemeniz gerekli.
usta 24-11-2021 08:32
çok iyi
sami selmann 20-08-2021 11:01
Çok güzel bir epub uygulaması daha önce win10 da kullanıyordum pardus için iyi olmuş