
390 | 5.0

client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule

aMule is a peer-to-peer file sharing application, designed to connect to the eDonkey and Kad networks. It has a wide range of features, including many of the original eMule client, like:

 * online signature, source exchange, compressed transfers, secure
   identification, and IP filter support
 * boolean search, which can be local, global, or in the Kad network
 * checks against aggressive clients
 * slot allocation, to decide the number of remote clients
 * systray works well both in GNOME and KDE
 * translations to many languages

A daemonized version of the application that does not need a graphic environment to run is available in the amule-daemon package, and various utilities of interest can be found in the amule-utils and amule-utils-gui packages, including the ed2k link handler. 

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  • bukko 16-11-2022 14:30
